Trust Hughes to keep your special day moving

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt.

Australia’s Largest Chauffeur Service
Full GPS Tracking On Vehicles
Here To Help 24 Hours A Day
Over 115 years Experience
Large Events & Conferences Experts
Courteous & Reliable Chauffeurs

At Your Service

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Premium vehicles to elevate your wedding transport

Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt.

Not sure what vehicle/s suit your needs? Contact our friendly team on 1300 615 165 or to discuss your wedding plans.

Hyundai Genesis

Awarded “Australia’s Best Large Car” for 2015, the Genesis has burst on to the Chauffeured Car scene and quickly become a client favourite.

3 Passengers

2 Suitcases

1 Small Bags

Holden Caprice

Awarded “Australia’s Best Large Car” for 2015, the Genesis has burst on to the Chauffeured Car scene and quickly become a client favourite.

3 Passengers

2 Suitcases

1 Small Bags

Mercedes E Class

Awarded “Australia’s Best Large Car” for 2015, the Genesis has burst on to the Chauffeured Car scene and quickly become a client favourite.

3 Passengers

2 Suitcases

1 Small Bags

Hyundai Genesis

Awarded “Australia’s Best Large Car” for 2015, the Genesis has burst on to the Chauffeured Car scene and quickly become a client favourite.

3 Passengers

2 Suitcases

1 Small Bags

Holden Caprice

Awarded “Australia’s Best Large Car” for 2015, the Genesis has burst on to the Chauffeured Car scene and quickly become a client favourite.

3 Passengers

2 Suitcases

1 Small Bags

Mercedes E Class

Awarded “Australia’s Best Large Car” for 2015, the Genesis has burst on to the Chauffeured Car scene and quickly become a client favourite.

3 Passengers

2 Suitcases

1 Small Bags

Hyundai Genesis

Awarded “Australia’s Best Large Car” for 2015, the Genesis has burst on to the Chauffeured Car scene and quickly become a client favourite.

3 Passengers

2 Suitcases

1 Small Bags

Holden Caprice

Awarded “Australia’s Best Large Car” for 2015, the Genesis has burst on to the Chauffeured Car scene and quickly become a client favourite.

3 Passengers

2 Suitcases

1 Small Bags

Mercedes E Class

Awarded “Australia’s Best Large Car” for 2015, the Genesis has burst on to the Chauffeured Car scene and quickly become a client favourite.

3 Passengers

2 Suitcases

1 Small Bags

Hyundai Genesis

Awarded “Australia’s Best Large Car” for 2015, the Genesis has burst on to the Chauffeured Car scene and quickly become a client favourite.

3 Passengers

2 Suitcases

1 Small Bags

Holden Caprice

Awarded “Australia’s Best Large Car” for 2015, the Genesis has burst on to the Chauffeured Car scene and quickly become a client favourite.

3 Passengers

2 Suitcases

1 Small Bags

Mercedes E Class

Awarded “Australia’s Best Large Car” for 2015, the Genesis has burst on to the Chauffeured Car scene and quickly become a client favourite.

3 Passengers

2 Suitcases

1 Small Bags

Hyundai Genesis

Awarded “Australia’s Best Large Car” for 2015, the Genesis has burst on to the Chauffeured Car scene and quickly become a client favourite.

3 Passengers

2 Suitcases

1 Small Bags

Holden Caprice

Awarded “Australia’s Best Large Car” for 2015, the Genesis has burst on to the Chauffeured Car scene and quickly become a client favourite.

3 Passengers

2 Suitcases

1 Small Bags

Mercedes E Class

Awarded “Australia’s Best Large Car” for 2015, the Genesis has burst on to the Chauffeured Car scene and quickly become a client favourite.

3 Passengers

2 Suitcases

1 Small Bags

Hyundai Genesis

Awarded “Australia’s Best Large Car” for 2015, the Genesis has burst on to the Chauffeured Car scene and quickly become a client favourite.

3 Passengers

2 Suitcases

1 Small Bags

Holden Caprice

Awarded “Australia’s Best Large Car” for 2015, the Genesis has burst on to the Chauffeured Car scene and quickly become a client favourite.

3 Passengers

2 Suitcases

1 Small Bags

Mercedes E Class

Awarded “Australia’s Best Large Car” for 2015, the Genesis has burst on to the Chauffeured Car scene and quickly become a client favourite.

3 Passengers

2 Suitcases

1 Small Bags

Frequently Asked Questions

Whether you’re considering hiring our professional chauffeur services for a special occasion or have general inquiries about our offerings, we’ve got you covered. Discover details about our fleet, chauffeur qualifications, booking process, pricing, and more. If you don’t find the answers you’re looking for, feel free to reach out to our friendly customer support team, who will be delighted to assist you. Let’s dive into the world of luxurious and reliable transportation services!

Where will my chauffeur collect me?

If you arrange an airport transfer with Hughes, you will be met in the arrivals hall of the Adelaide airport by a well-presented chauffeur who will assist you with your luggage and guide you to a premium or luxury car. This means that you will not have to worry about finding your transport, nor will you have to worry about enduring a tedious wait for your transfer to arrive.

How much will an airport transfer with Hughes cost?

At Hughes, we strive to make our services accessible and part of this is delivering competitive prices. The cost of an airport transfer will, however, vary depending on your destination and its distance from the airport. For an indication of the cost, fill in one of our online booking forms and we will send a quote to an email address of your choosing.

Will my airport transfer take my directly to my accommodation?

When you book an airport transfer with Hughes, you can provide us with the address of your accommodation and our experienced chauffeurs will ensure you get there in a timely manner. Our offices monitor the traffic across Adelaide and our drivers all possess an intimate knowledge of the local conditions. This means that you will be driven to an address of your choosing via the most direct route possible.

How much luggage can you take in your vehicles?

At Hughes, we strive to deliver the most comprehensive service and this includes meeting the needs of our customers that have extra luggage. Our range of vehicles cater for different sized groups – from individuals to large groups – and with this, comes a variation in the amount of luggage we can take. If you have extra luggage, let us know and we can arrange the right vehicle for you.

We’re here to help!

Our friendly Customer Service Team are on hand 24/7 to answer enquiries and keep you moving. You can contact us directly on 1300 615 165, at or leave your details below, and we’ll be in touch.

For email enquiries
For enquiries within Australia
For global enquiries